Selasa, 07 April 2009

How to make a light trap?

Goal: How to make a light trap?


  • 7 small cans milk
  •  paper oil
  • Doubletape
  • gift paper
  • glue shoot
  • Ribbon japanese
  • rope to hang


  1. Open both sides of the cans and paste doubletape around the circle.
  2. Expand paper oil on each side of the cans and sticking tip-up to the end of the paper on the fast doubletape. make up the remaining the paper.
  3. Stack all the cans, glue formed flowers. cover the surface with a paper gift according way the you like.
  4. Give the rope around the cans to hang.

Tips: Paper should be in da fast not folding. you also can creation to create the forms of the other.

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