Selasa, 14 April 2009


      Announce to all students Junior High School 1 Sidayu.  To celebrate day of birth our mother Kartini, leadership intra school  students organization will create competition.
The following: 
  1. cooking fried rice on every class.
  2. writing articles about struggle of our mother Kartini.                        
create on:
                   Day: Tuesday
                   Date: April 21th 2009
The prize is:
                      Champion 1 get: cup and sertificate + Rp. 50.000,00
                      Champion 2 get: cup and sertificate + Rp. 35.000,00
                      Champion 3 get: cup and sertificate + Rp. 25.000,00
The present can you take of panitya careteker of student organitation.enlistment of lader class.
chairman of student organitation

M.Iqbalul Faiq H

Selasa, 07 April 2009

How to make a light trap?

Goal: How to make a light trap?


  • 7 small cans milk
  •  paper oil
  • Doubletape
  • gift paper
  • glue shoot
  • Ribbon japanese
  • rope to hang


  1. Open both sides of the cans and paste doubletape around the circle.
  2. Expand paper oil on each side of the cans and sticking tip-up to the end of the paper on the fast doubletape. make up the remaining the paper.
  3. Stack all the cans, glue formed flowers. cover the surface with a paper gift according way the you like.
  4. Give the rope around the cans to hang.

Tips: Paper should be in da fast not folding. you also can creation to create the forms of the other.

Rabu, 01 April 2009


  • Goal       : How to make a lantern wax ?
  • Material: Beverage cans soda                                                                                                                              Paint                                                                                                                                                      Wax
  • Step       :

1. Create a design pattern is a simple image on paper and copy on soda cans.  


2. Cute a tin cans with the first punch of the tip of the scissors and continue with cute.  


3. Pile up cans with bright colour paint.  



4. Decorate cans to be more interesting and beautiful. developed in your idea in decorate, use objects that you find as a garnish. 


  • Tips: Put a wax in the jars and try to turn it on! maximum length of the wax is half high cans.